Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Happy Birthday to Me

I just recently celebrated my 32nd birthday. I honestly thought that I was well past caring for all the stereotypical birthday hoopla. I have to admit though, this year was lovely.

My anticipated plan for my birthday, which fell on a Friday, was go on Nick's annual school trip to the local farm for pumpkin picking, hay rides, making apple cider and playing with farm animals; heading back to the office after the post-farm preschool pizza party; rushing home from work for Nick's 6:00 soccer practice; grabbing dinner on the run; throwing the boys in the tub for a much needed bath and finally collapsing after a long day of running around. This is not, however, how I spent my birthday.

According to the local news channels, Friday we were expecting monsoon like conditions. By Thursday afternoon the school trip had been rescheduled and Nick's soccer practice had been cancelled. This freed up my day significantly.

When I came downstairs Friday morning Nick was already on the couch watching Battle Force 5. It seemed he had forgotten my birthday as he didn't offer happy birthday wishes. He didn't even smirk at me with that excited, knowing look he gets when he thinks he has a secret. Shawn prompted him to wish me a happy birthday. Nick then whispered his explanation to Shawn in his ear. From across the room I was able to hear clear as day Nick explaining that he could not wish me a happy birthday until we were ready to sing the song and we couldn't sing the song until after dinner when we wanted the cake to appear. Fair enough. At this point Shawn has a momentary look of panic cross his face. I guess this is when he realized he should pick up a cake - not as much for me as for the boys. After all, a birthday just isn't a birthday without a cake, right? Shawn left for work calling out his happy birthday wishes as he pulled the door shut behind him. I proceeded with my morning like normal.

I got the kids dressed, fed and off to school and even made it to my desk by 9:05! This is an accomplishment for me lately. I was greeted with home made chocolate chip cookies, donuts, philly soft pretzels, cupcakes and, best of all, a home made heath bar cake! I'm not one for birthday cake, but that cake was AMAZING! I forwent the Activia and banana in my lunch bag and dug into the goodies that were spread out in front of my desk. At lunch time I was even presented a Reese's peanut butter cake. I'm telling you, my co-workers really know my taste in sweets! Just after I finished eating my lunch a co-worker brings in a lovely bouquet of flowers that had been delivered for me. The card reads that the flowers were picked especially for me by Nick. When I called my husband to thank him for the flowers he explained that they really were totally Nick's idea. When asked what he wanted to get mommy for her birthday he told Shawn he wanted to get me flowers. Shawn allowed Nick to pick out the bouquet all by himself and Shawn ordered them for him. Shawn told me that Nick was really upset that he was not able to be there when they were delivered. This is one of the many, many times that having a daycare in your office comes in handy. My coworker took the flowers down to the daycare, signed Nick out (with my permission of course) and had him deliver them to me at my desk. I pretended that I had not yet seen them and allowed him the honor of bringing them to me himself. There are no words to explain how absolutely adorable my little Nick Nick was running down the hall, carrying a basket of flowers with a smile that wrapped all the way around his head plastered on his face. It was one of those moments that buys him forgiveness for some horrible thing he will inevitably do in the future. He was so proud of himself! He ran up to me, handed me the flowers and told me that he loved me "so much" and hoped I had a happy birthday. There were many hugs and I nearly cried - I honestly don't know how I managed to not cry. Then Nick saw the donuts and it was all down hill from there. He picked out a chocolate covered, tiger striped boston cream and chowed down. Half way through the donut I convinced him to save the rest for after dinner. I then delivered a newly sugared up Nick back to the daycare for his final hour of school. His teacher wasn't too happy, but informed me that Evan was about to have cupcakes for a party in the toddler room and that would be my revenge.

After getting home from work we didn't have to rush out the door to get to practice, so I was able to just sit on the couch and relax for a few minute. It was while I was sitting and relaxing that Nick informed me that he had to go upstairs to sign my card. Too cute! Shawn and the boys then presented me with lovely cards filled with love. They also got me a new camera to replace the one that Evan broke earlier this year. We were even able to go out to dinner since practice was cancelled. I choose a small little pizza place near Shawn's work, Cafe Dominico's, because I love their vodka rigatoni and they have the best home made bread. We took the boys with us and enjoyed a relatively uneventful dinner. Nick did however find out that pizza has TOMATO sauce on it. He declared that after the piece he was currently eating, he was never eating pizza again. I found this funny. After dinner mom came over to have some cake with us. I don't know if Shawn planned it all along, or if it was due to Nick's hint from earlier in the day, but he picked up a Reese's peanut butter pie - my favorite! Between that and the leftovers we had enough cake/pie to feed an army. Having young children in the house, they even had to sing 'happy birthday' to me. We did forget the candles though.

Don't get me wrong, I love my new camera, and I'm grateful to my mother for buying the kids' school pictures for me this year, but my very favorite birthday gift of all would have to be the memory I get to keep forever of my Nick Nick running up to me with an armful of flowers and that smile on his face. I can't be sure, but I believe it was equivalent to a parent watching their little girl walk down the aisle at their wedding. I was just filled with love and pride and I will carry that moment with me forever!

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